
Rendering Pictures the Classical Way | How do people print pictures long ago?

Thursday, August 20, 2009 Leave a Comment

How do people print pictures long ago?

Taking pictures is only a part of Photo making. Processes should be done to make the latent picture into its final photographic work such as development and printing.
During the printing process, there are certain controls you could use to control the outcome of your work. These controls could modify the final print.

Here are some tips:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photography

During the printing process, modifications can be made to the print by several controls. Many of these controls are similar to controls during image capture, while some are exclusive to the printing process. Most controls have equivalent digital concepts, but some create different effects. For example, dodging and burning controls are different between digital and film processes. Other printing modifications include:

* Chemicals and process used during film development
* Duration of exposure – equivalent to shutter speed
* Printing aperture – equivalent to aperture, but has no effect on depth of field
* Contrast - changing the visual properties of objects in an image to make them distinguishable from other objects and the background
* Dodging – reduces exposure of certain print areas, resulting in lighter areas
* Burning in – increases exposure of certain areas, resulting in darker areas
* Paper texture – glossy, matte, etc
* Paper type – resin-coated (RC) or fiber-based (FB)
* Paper size
* Toners – used to add warm or cold tones to black and white prints

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